Thursday, 14 April 2011

Thurs 07 Apr 2011....indoor bouldering again

KL seems happy to join us
After our last session, I was pretty convinced that training in the bouldering center was an ideal controlled environment for the 2 young ones to start, and also ideal for building up our core strength in readiness for a active season this summer.

GS confidently moving up a route
With this in mind I managed to convince KL to join us. He too seemed impressed with the setup and took to the routes "like a duck to water"!

KL topping out on a route
We have now set Thursday session for adults training. However, GS still tagged along!! Yet again we visited the centre late in the evening and found it to be quiet, with only a handful of climbers in the whole complex......great!!

GS working on an overhang problem
We spent some time refining our basic skills and then progressed onto a few V0 to V2 grade routes, which tested our skills and endurance to the max.

me topping out
Young GS seemed to identify the problems on the routes confidently and quickly, but seemed to require a bit more strength and endurance to successfully progress the adult routes to completion. But in saying this, for his age he is performingexcellantly on these adult walls!!

GS attempting a complex route
 Some of my old climbing partners advice of "bouldering being a young man's game" proved right. But with persistence and a positive training regime, I am sure us "old timers" can give these youngsters a run for their money in due course!!

KL "bushed" after a hard route
All in all it was an excellent session, which has definitely spurred on our determination to regularly continue with bouldering as a part of our training regime.

a few more photos.....

me attempting a hard problem in "the cave"

KL moving up the wall

KL starting off a hard route

GS starting off a hard route

KL progressing up

GS attempting a hard route in "the cave"

KL working on a hard route in "the cave"

KL & I encouraging GS to progress in "the cave"

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